Legendarni bend Smokie prvi put dolazi u Beograd!
Kultni bend Smokie, osnovan davne 1968. godine u Engleskoj, već decenijama oduševljava publiku širom sveta svojim vanvremenskim hitovima. Njihove pesme, poput "Living Next Door to Alice", "If You Think You Know How to Love Me" i "Needles and Pins", postale su sinonim za vrhunsku rock muziku. Ova grupa, koju čine vrhunski muzičari jedinstvenog stila i energije, osvojila je srca mnogih generacija fanova. Njihovi koncerti su prava muzička magija, ispunjena emocijama i nostalgičnim momentima koji nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.
Sa milionima preslušavanja na Spotify i Apple Musiс
Sada imate priliku da ih vidite uživo i uživate u njihovim legendarnim hitovima – Smokie dolazi u Beograd i Srbiju po prvi put! Ovo je jedinstvena šansa da postanete deo istorijskog muzičkog događaja i osetite neponovljivu atmosferu koja prati njihove nastupe.
Ne propustite priliku da čujete pesme koje su obeležile čitavu jednu epohu i provedete nezaboravno veče u društvu legendarnih muzičara! Rezervišite svoje mesto na vreme i pridružite se magiji koju samo Smokie može da pruži!
Link za karte - https://smokie.rs/
Legendary “Smokie” celebrating their 50th anniversary for the first time in Serbia!
Look at the Guinness Book Of Hit Singles and you could be forgiven for thinking Smokie’s success story was a 1970s phenomenon. After all, 11 of their 14 British hits came in that eventful musical decade. However, their massive success story has continued to flourish around the globe including Scandinavia, South Africa, Germany and even China. Smokie are a band which has sold out tours and gained platinum records in four decades – 70s, 80s, 90s and the present day.
A quick recap then on past glories. Smokie first got together at school in Yorkshire in the late 60s. After going through various names and styles, they signed with Mickie Most’s then ultra-hot RAK label and found themselves chartbound. Songs like ‘If You Think You Know How To Love Me’, ‘Don’t Play Your Rock’n’Roll To Me’, ‘It’s Your Life’ and ‘Oh Carol’ (all Top 10 entries) became radio staples and gave Smokie their ticket to travel the world.
Smokie continue to be one of the most successful bands in the world today. Recent global events, as well as more devastating news with the passing of Terry Uttley have seen the line-up of today having to change and develop with the addition of Pete Lincoln, formerly of The Sweet on lead vocals, and Rhythm Guitar and Luke Bullard, son of Martin Bullard stepping into Terry’s shoes on Bass and backing vocals, the legacy of Smokie that was founded by Terry will live on and Smokie look forward to seeing you all on their continuing journey.
Smokies line-up are:
Steve Pinnell on Drums
Mick McConnell on lead guitar and Backing vocal
Pete Lincoln Lead vocals and rhythm guitar
Martin Bullard Keyboards
Luke Bullard on Bass guitar and backing vocals
There’s no smoke without fire, so the saying goes – and Smokie are still firing on all five cylinders!
Ticket sales link - https://smokie.rs/
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subota, 7. jun