📍 MTS Dvorana, Beograd
📅 11. oktobar 2025, 20:00

Beograd, pripremi se za jedinstvenu plesnu predstavu!
SHOW POD KIŠOM: PRIZNANJE U LJUBAVI po prvi put u tvom gradu – neverovatan spoj strasti, muzike i zadivljujuće koreografije na sceni gde prava kiša postaje deo predstave.

Oseti magiju večeri u kojoj se najbolji plesači, impresivni vizuelni efekti i snažne emocije stapaju u hipnotišući performans. Ova jedinstvena predstava kombinuje balet, contemporary, hip-hop i akrobatiku, prikazajući priču o ljubavi, strasti i privlačnosti.

Fascinantna koreografija, spektakularna rasveta i moćan soundtrack pretvaraju ovaj show u pravo umetničko remek-delo, gde kiša nije samo voda – već emocija, pokret i magija.

Organizovan od strane najboljih kreativnih timova, ovaj ekskluzivni događaj u Beogradu pomera granice scenske umetnosti i obećava nezaboravan doživljaj.

Ako voliš ples, muziku i inovativne umetničke formate, ovo je događaj godine koji ne smeš propustiti!
📍 MTS Dvorana, Belgrade
📅 October 11, 2025, 8:00 p.m

Belgrade, get ready for a unique dance performance!
SHOW UNDER THE RAIN: CONFESSION OF LOVE for the first time in your city - an incredible combination of passion, music and stunning choreography on stage where real rain becomes part of the show.

Feel the magic of an evening where the best dancers, impressive visual effects and strong emotions merge into a hypnotizing performance. This unique performance combines ballet, contemporary, hip-hop and acrobatics, depicting a story of love, passion and attraction.

Fascinating choreography, spectacular lighting and a powerful soundtrack turn this show into a true artistic masterpiece, where rain is not just water - but emotion, movement and magic.

Organized by the best creative teams, this exclusive event in Belgrade pushes the boundaries of stage art and promises an unforgettable experience.

If you love dance, music and innovative artistic formats, this is the event of the year that you should not miss!

Vreme Projekcija

subota, 11. oktobar